Monday, May 31, 2010

Beards! Moustaches!

Here are some photos and links for the World Beard and Moustache Championships and the Beard Team USA.

For anyone who is looking to begin growing a beard, here is a t-shirt that may come in handy!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Social Commentary

I read a disturbing and in my opinion STUPID piece today. The link is here to a story about woman who fell asleep on a plane and was left on it after the flight was done.

My first thought was, that this would be insane for the cabin crew to do. After reading this brief piece and finding out it was on a flight from DC to Philly (which is a 1-hour flight) I have little sympathy for this woman. If she was so deep in sleep that she was unable to wake up or feel the extremely rapid change from takeoff to descent and landing, then the commotion of deplaning she must have been so asleep that even if the crew tried to wake her they wouldn't have succeeded. Once the 1-hour flight ended, I am extremely confident that there were no connecting flights leaving since it landed after midnight. What did she expect to do when she got on the plane, not have to be alert, navigate the airport and transfer to a hotel or whatever? Could she have possibly taken a sleep aid or something?

It says more about our society, and her and her lawyer that she is suing the airline for false imprisonment, emotional distress and negligence. I have not watched the video at this link because I can only handle a certain amount of stupid in a single sitting but maybe she redeems herself and answers why she couldn't operate like any of the other humans on her flight!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

For Real?

I Watched the first 2 seasons of Biggest Loser years ago and haven't watched since but this guy literally lost the equivalent of if he had a current twin!!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dumbest Thing Today!

Short, ridiculous article - click here!

The Human Show Begins!

Here it is, the fourth blog in my stable! This blog will be about humans - good, bad, awesome, stupid, smart, dumb, etc, etc, etc!!!
You get the picture! Probably lots of pictures and videos on this blog with very little exposition!

The pictures here today are from